The HOME Project is a nonprofit organization that cares for unaccompanied children whose families and lives are wrecked by war and persecution, empowering them to persevere and grow into active citizens.

At the heart of this disaster is the little told story of the children, refugees who have been ripped from their homelands through violence and war, and who seek the basic security which most of us take for granted. Over half of the displaced population are children. Many of them are unaccompanied, alone, forced to fend for themselves and at risk of danger. This number continues to increase and with border closures they are now stranded in Greece. Thousands of children are without parents, family or any kind of guardian and urgently need support.

These children are scattered around the refugee camps, police stations and detention centers. The living conditions are horrific and inhumane. Through no fault of their own, these children are the innocent victims of this crisis. They flee from violence only to find it again at a European border. They are the silent heart of this disaster.

The HOME Project was founded in response to the call made by President Obama to the private sector to help in addressing the refugee crisis in 2016. It exists to bring these children to a safe haven. It provides security, dignity and decent living conditions for the most vulnerable. It serves to recognize our common humanity and to do something for those who need it most. At the HOME Project, we Help, Overcome, Motivate, Empower. Together we hope to build a better future.

  • Helping refugee children to safety and security
  • Overcoming the trauma of violence and loss
  • Motivating reintegration and healing
  • Empowering new beginnings



Children, migrants who have been ripped from their homelands through violence and war, seek the basic security which most of us take for granted.

Youth Delegate at the High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges in Geneva, 2016

The number of unaccompanied minors continues to increase and with border closures they are now stranded in Greece. Thousands of children are without parents, family or any kind of guardian and urgently need support.

Delegate at the High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges in Geneva, 2016