Lone children that arrive in our shelters carry trauma not only due to their long and difficult journey but also because of the violence and exploitation they have experienced in the streets, camps, and detention centers before they found a home. In our shelters we provide a holistic network of child protection services to every child through individual development plans implemented by our Child Protection Unit, a team of highly experienced psychologists social workers, caregivers and educators.

Our Child Protection model has been established on four pillars:

  • Mental health, consisting of psychiatric and psychological assessment of the children’s biological, psychological, and medical condition as well as continuous support and development of the children through weekly (or more frequent if needed) individual and group sessions. All our staff receives continuous support through weekly supervisions by mental health professionals and monthly capacity building sessions in child protection to be able to best support the children under our care.
  • Education, including obligatory school attendance for all our children and specialized trainings for them to acquire behavioral, social, language, vocational, and general academic skills. With the three innovative educational programs, “Youth to Youth”, “School Project” and "Athletic Weekend Program" in partnership with the American Community Schools (ACS Athens), Hellenic American Educational Foundation – Athens College, and the Moraitis School, we offer them educational opportunities customized to their needs.
  • Legal support for all children in our shelters. Children arrive without legal papers and are often unregistered. Our legal team supports asylum applications and/or the family reunification procedure.
  • Life Skills & Socialization, developing relationships in the shelter and the local community, enhancing participation, responsibility as well as commitment in socialization and social inclusion.

Our HOMES are healing environments where children can receive the care and support they need to become children again and obtain the necessary tools and opportunities to build a future for themselves.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.

William James (1842-1910)