Our vision:
An inclusive society in which every child is protected and supported

Our mission
We rescue children from the streets, refugee camps, police stations, detention centres and welcome them in the safety of our 13 shelters in Athens where they receive comprehensive child protection services. Our holistic model covers food, housing, material support, clothing, provision of medical care, social, legal and psychological support.

Since 2016, we have managed to create and ensure the sustainability of 13 shelters in Athens, Greece, offering shelter, support and protection to more than 1100 kids. We will keep expanding in the months and years to come.

We create and operate homes where lone children receive a holistic network of child protection services covering food, material, medical provision, social, legal, and psychological support and obtain immediate access to education and training.

The comprehensive system of protection, support and social inclusion we are building provides young people with opportunities to have a life of dignity back and stop struggling to survive. The HOME Project shelter model provides more than a safe home for the most vulnerable having created 300 jobs for both refugees and Greeks as well as refurbishing property with a beneficial social purpose in mind. Hence, we help both the refugee and the Greek population.

Half of our shelter staff are members of the migrant and refugee community. We empower people to become healers, both for themselves and for their community.

There are many highly trained professionals in the refugee community that are eager to work and become role models for young people, demonstrating in hopeful action that their future can be positive.

The shelters are intended as rehabilitative environments and models of inclusion, skills building and employment, leading to an organic, bottom-up form of social integration both for the refugees working there as well as for the accommodated children.

There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)